In Conversation

  • Mel Y. Chen is the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at UC Berkeley.


Tyra Wigg, Bernard J. Butler, Asia-James Ryan Ryyves Thomas, Alan Chen,

Pioneering queer media artist Shu Lea Cheang’s sci-fi viral alt-reality movie is set in 2060 across three locations: a blighted city whose inhabitants are subject to the extractive stratagems of GENOM Co., a biotech company reengineering red blood cells into nano-computing, self-generated orgasms; a Hopperesque diner frequented by the city’s inhabitants; and Etrashville, a colossal offshore dump where decommissioned replicant Reiko literally attempts to put themself back together. “This extraordinarily visually intense film moves from 3D graphics to game engine generated cinematic mise en scène to visual effects enhanced live action scenes in an extraordinary tour de force of contemporary digital collage” (Matthew Fuller, Professor of Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London).

  • Shu Lea Cheang
  • Francy Fabritz
Print Info
  • Color
  • DCP
  • 86 mins

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